Do you ever find yourself wondering if you’re good enough for the world? I have struggled with this for a long time. I’ve always questioned my worth and constantly try to see myself through the eyes of other people because it has forever mattered what people think of me. This becomes extremely tiring and draining. What I’ve always failed to realize, though, is that I don’t need to be good enough for anyone because I’m already good enough for Jesus. He thinks I’m so valuable that He died on a cross for me. To save me from my sins and from death. It touches me to know that Jesus always thinks the best of me. Even when I mess up, nothing I could ever do could change how much He loves me or how highly He thinks of me. Isn’t that so comforting? It’s so reassuring to know that I can eternally count on His love and to know that He will never fail me.
1 Samuel 16:7 says, “For the Lord does not see as a man sees: for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
I am so grateful that my appearance does not affect how much Jesus loves me; I have quite a few bad hair days. This is how man looks at us, though. In the end, the human race looks at our appearances to determine if we are worthy of anything it has to give. This is not God’s love; His love is unconditional.
I am slowly learning to really not care what people’s perceptions of me are. I don’t have to be good enough for the world because I’m forever good enough for my Savior. I pray that you’ll know this truth in your heart, as well.
Lots of love,