Hey all! This blog was written by my good friend Yael! She is such a passionate and inspiring writer!
“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too difficult for me?” Jeremiah 32:27
Christians often look at miracles as something outdated. Things that really only occurred in Bible times and don’t really happen today. We’d like to experience these miracles, but what are the odds of one ever coming to pass in our lives? I used to be one of those Christians who didn’t really believe that miracles could happen. I mean, I had never really needed a miracle before. I was doing perfectly fine living my life for myself and by myself. Oh, and if I needed God to do a little something for me, I could always just shoot up a prayer and tell Him what I needed and when I needed it. That was how my relationship with God was for so many years.
In November 2017, my life changed forever. My family and I were told that we were not allowed to live in the United States anymore and that we needed to go back to our country of origin immediately.
Wow. That was the most devastating news I had ever gotten in my life. I remember feeling so heartbroken and dazed. I was also really angry. How could God let this happen to me? Didn’t He care that my whole future was flying out the window? Didn’t He care about me and my family? During that season of my life, I shut God out completely. In my human mind, I couldn’t comprehend how I was expected to rely on someone who obviously didn’t care about my life. I was being sent to a strange land that I didn’t know anything about, and I didn’t even know if I was ever going to come back home. Little did I know that God was fighting for me and my family.
I was so used to relying on myself and doing everything for myself that I didn’t realize that God only wanted for me to depend on Him. I spent that entire season blocking out my feelings and ignoring those impressions in my heart from Jesus telling me that He has me. I thought it was all in my head. God saw where I was, though. He sent people to love me and pray with me and for me. He really raised an army for my family.
I think it’s absolutely incredible how much Jesus loves us. In the midst of my storm, when everything seemed hopeless, Jesus, the King of kings, did a miracle for me and for my family. On April 13, 2018, my parents, little sister, and I came back to America and walked into our beautiful house for the first time in three and a half months. The joy and gratitude we all felt is indescribable.
People often ask me if I wish that I didn’t have to go through the things that I went through. My answer is no. I wouldn’t have come to know the nature of God or learn to rely on Him so much. My relationship with Him wouldn’t have been transformed. I would never have been so grateful to Him. And my family would never be as united as we are now. I thank Him every day for the miracle He did for us.
So, to those who are needing a miracle, those who don’t believe in miracles, and those who just need to be encouraged, I just want to tell you that God cares so much about you. He is going to do big things in your life. Press into Him more, lean on Him more, and rest in the knowledge that He’s got you right in His hands.
Lots of love,