So lately I’ve been asked “Who are you dating/talking to?” Or, “ Does it bug you to have never dated?” And a lot of the time I just laugh it off because I try not to go down that road mentally. You see that road has a fork in it; one path takes me to a dark depressing place where I fell like I’ll never date because no one will ever want me. The other side takes me to God’s plan, where I find the right guy at the right time and we live happily ever after. Honestly I sometimes go days/weeks feeling lost and confused because I know that God tells us to trust him and that the Bible says it’s good to be single because it gives me time to focus on myself, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about it. You know, I’ll walk into the grocery store and think “What if HE’S here?” And I have to constantly remind myself that I don’t need some guys approval on ME, I don’t need someone to tell me I’m “pretty”, or that they “love” me, or even that I’m “good enough”. If we don’t find our worth in God then we will just go through life feeling empty, with a constant need for affirmation.... trust me, I’ve been there. I hope that as you read this you don’t think I’m saying dating is “evil” or a sin, just remember that your worth doesn’t come from who you date, but who made you.
Love you Jordan! Beautiful post!! 🥰- Maddy